Originally Posted on 4/24/09
This week was a pretty big week for the Jacksonville Jaguars. Debuting their new uniforms, and the up coming draft......Then Wednesday night I got the news.
Jimmy Smith arrested............ again
Jimmy Smith, who played 10 seasons at wide receiver for the Jaguars, was charged with possession of crack cocaine, marijuana and drug paraphernalia after a traffic stop about 3:30 p.m. Wednesday near Interstate 95 and Golfair. The reason the FHP said they stopped him is to check the window tint on his 2009 Mercedes coupe. I'll let you think about that for a minute....
I too am guilty of having a Mercedes coupe and have been stopped for basically a BS reason. Personally, I love the look on their face when I produce a valid license and insurance card... The last time that happened to me, the only thing they could give me a ticket for a blown light....
Now, I'm not against law enforcement because I totally understand that they have a job to do..... I just hate that in america today, it is a fact that being a African American male in a nice car will get you stopped...... and not only in Duval County. (I'll move on)
Jimmy's situation just makes me sad.... If you've never seen it, check out the television show intervention on the AandE network.... All my dealings with Jimmy have been good ones... I have gone to schools with him before and talked to kids, and I have seen him interact with his own kids... He's honestly a good dude..... but sometimes the demons are too great to overcome alone.
When he retired unexpectedly, it was suspected that he had failed another NFL drug test, which would have gotten him suspended for a whole season… I never pressed the issue about finding out the truth, because I guess…….. I didn’t want to know.
Jimmy still holds many Jaguar records and including the most games played, most starts and most receptions…. He also is the seventh-leading receiver in NFL history. At this point... all we can do it pray......
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