Saturday night was the annual White House Correspondent’s Association Dinner. This annual event draws a mix of journalists, celebrities, political figures and tickets are worth more than gold.… I actually heard that Meghan McCain (Sen. John McCain’s Daughter) was stopped at the door because she had 2 tickets and invited 2 friends……. She thought her name would be all she needed to get in.
Well the entertainment for the night was none other than comedian Wanda Sykes… Of course since this is my blog these are my opinions and Wanda is one of the funniest women on this planet.
She talked about everyone from Gov. Palin to President Obama pulling no punches, and actually drew a standing ovation. So why do I keep reading reports today asking if she went too far????
Here is the statement that was said that has people buzzing:
"You know, you might want to look into this, [President Obama], because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight. ...
"Rush Limbaugh hopes the country fails? I hope his kidneys fail, how 'bout that?"
Please understand that Wanda is a Comedian… Comedians tell jokes. Don Imus is not a comedian. Didn’t we just have this situation a few weeks ago with Jamie Foxx and Miley Cyrus?
I believe in freedom of speech, and I do think that there is a certain line that can be crossed if someone is maliciously trying to slander someone else…….. but in the context of telling a joke…….. Is it really that serious?